Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today is January 4, 2012 and I have been praying how to approach this year in the name of my Heavenly Father. I will continue to post what the Lord lays on my heart but I also will be posting something new. I am trying to better my health and hopefully get myself off of insulin and blood pressure medicine. A couple of years ago I shared with my church something the Lord spoke into my spirit. I was praying for a healing from diabetes and high blood pressure. I had prayed for almost a year when the Lord spoke into my spirit that he would heal me through what I ate. I wasn't sure what he meant. In the flesh I knew I was overweight and needed to lose weight to get my health under control. I'm not one to share my process of weight loss with the public but feel this is something I need to do so I can be held more accountable. Now does that give you permission to come down hard on me if I fail? Of course not, I would like to believe you will help motivate me to stick to this "change of eating habits". I don't know how much you know about the HCG Diet or if you know about it at all. I'm not going to go into detail about it here except to tell you it is a pregnancy hormone used with a 500 calorie diet and I'm using the homeopathic version. I tried the diet before Christmas and decided due to all the cooking I'm better off restarting in January when things have slowed down and I'm staying at home more. During the week I was on it I lost 17 pounds and have since only gained 2 pounds of it back. It's not a diet to play with. The HCG Diet is a serious diet to consider and I will discuss it with my doctor. In my online research some claim homeopathic versions only possess very little of the pregnancy hormone but the HHCG drops I purchased worked well for me. I enjoyed the energy I suddenly acquired. When you're diabetic you have many many days where you are sluggish and it takes an act of congress, so to speak, to just get basic cleaning done. Before diabetes I was a very "hyper" person but since becoming diabetic I struggle with doing some basic things around the house. At times I struggle to stay awake even after sleeping 8 hours the night before. I'm not a lazy person but feel like one more times than I can count. Someone shared how the HCG diet worked for them and I'm a skeptical person but hearing about this diet became very intriguing to me. I begin my online research. For me the good out weighs the bad. I hope you enjoy walking through this diet with me. Please help me pray this is the way the Lord was speaking of when he told me he would heal me through what I ate. This is a difficult step for me to take because as I said I don't usually share my weight loss process with the public. I don't like singling myself out. I feel like I'm saying, "Hey look at me I'm fat". I know I am overweight and dealing with it is one thing but bringing public attention to it is another. Please love me through this. *Taking a deep breath* Here goes: HHCG Diet I hate scales and believe they should be banned!! Oh Lord I hate writing this down but my weight today is 215. Day 1 - On the first two days I'm to take 7-10 drops of HCG under my tongue and hold it for 60 seconds before swallowing. I will wait 30 minutes before eating. I'm then to eat high fat foods, as much as I can hold, each day for two days. So today, Thursday, I will eat out since I have to run to Harlan and will decide between now and then what to eat. I'm not good with greasy foods other than Long John Silvers (love it!!!) so we'll see. I never considered myself a big eater but I'm pretty sure my weight gain comes from lack of exercise and picking at the M&M's and Hershey Kisses I keep in my candy dishes. Isn't it amazing how much we pick at food items and don't realize it!

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