Friday, January 6, 2012


I made it through today. The first day is always difficult for me only because I pick at food throughout the day. I kept busy today. I finished painting my interior chimney. I am so amazed at the energy I have by cutting a bunch of "junk" out of my daily intake. Hey, any energy is good energy! For breakfast I had my drops then 30 minutes later I had my coffee; for lunch I had drops and a 3.5 oz chicken breast (87 cal) and 1 lg. cucumber (34 cal) and 1 small apple (55 cal)= 176 cal. Supper consisted HHCG drops then waited 30 minutes before having 1-3.5 oz ground chuck patty (150 cal) wrapped in 4 leaves of loose leaf lettuce (20 cal) and 1 small apple (34 cal)= 204 cal which gave me a total for the day of 380 calories. This total for the day is too too low. It needs to be as close to 500 calories as possible. I'm through for the night and will have oranges tomorrow for dessert to get the calorie count up. I also forgot to have my Melba toast with supper today. Wow, that sounds really weird. I'm having to make myself eat 500 calories a day. It's definitely not a good thing to go too far below the 500 calorie mark. I'm also drinking plenty of water as well as having coffee in between meals. I have my usual pot of caffeine for breakfast then it's decaf rest of the day. I will have to be more careful with the calorie intake. I don't want to put myself in starvation mode. Thanks for hanging out with me tonight. I should start seeing a weight difference in the morning and will report the pounds lost each day forward.

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