Saturday, January 14, 2012


One more pound lost. A very good day today. Baked chicken salad for lunch and shrimp with celery for supper. The diet is getting so much easier now. I have time to review my eating habits and take a good look at how I have been treating my body for the past years. I won't say few years cause it's been many years. During my dieting I've been cooking for John more from scratch other than canned veggies. We've been discussing how processed foods are not healthy for us being diabetics. I was watching a show on TV the other night and once again they are talking about how many spiders we eat in a year. Did you know they claim we eat over 500 spiders. The FDA allows so much "other things" in the processing of our foods. John and I have been sharing ideas about going back to the basics. We speak of getting back to the basics of life in church. We, as a society, have gotten so out of control in how we eat, the things we do that keeps us from truly fellowshipping with family and close friends. I now ask myself, where have I been over the past 30+ years. Why does it have to take something drastic in our lives to open our eyes to so many things. Could it be because certain things are not a priority in our lives. One thing I confess I know I just pushed aside is how we know when satan attacks someone it's a little at a time kind of like the ax head God speaks about in his word. It doesn't come off all at one time, it comes off a little at a time. That is how our eating habits gets out of control, a little at a time. I'll be the first to admit I love food. I'm a picky eater because I won't eat mayo, mustard, ketchup, sour cream, etc.... but I love good food. I'm like the ax head I've ate and ate without being concerned over calories, carbs, or fats until my ax head came off and I can't figure out how I gained so much weight. Does that sound like something you've done? I'll be measuring inches tonight to see if how many inches I've lost. My pants are fitting much better and my tops are a size looser. I can tell I'm losing fat from my back, upper stomach area, and thighs so far. More to come!!!

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