Sunday, January 8, 2012


I made my way to the scales this morning which I'm keeping in my kitchen for now. I've lost 2 pounds so that is a total of 3 pounds now. Yeah!!!!! That may not sound like much to you but it's a milestone for me. While at church I was made aware that after the service my son and his family, John and myself were going to Whitesburg to pray with a dear sister who was in the hospital. I didn't have my HHCG with me so I was concerned about traveling without it. The diet recommends you don't eat out while on the diet because it's difficult to do accurate calorie calculations. I'm use to eating around 11:00 a.m. and did not eat until around 2:00 p.m. Everyone decided to eat at Long John's Silvers so I'm thinking ok I can do this. I'll get a piece of grilled Tilapia. My daughter-in-law recommended that I pick up a garden salad at Wendy's which is only 25 calories. That worked for me too. Even though you are to have one vegetable at each meal I ate a small amount of carrots on my salad. I put aside the croutons and I never eat salad dressing. By the time I ate my meal I only consumed around 122 calories. After eating I had to run to Walmart before heading back to Cumberland. I had to pick up coffee filters. This morning I had to use a paper napkin as a filter. Hey, I'm not doing without my coffee. By doing this we arrived at church 30 minutes early. I did not get to eat supper and guess what, I wasn't hungry. We got home after church around 9:00 p.m. I went directly in and took my 10 drops of HHCG. It is now 10:46 p.m. and I'm not hungry and have been trying not to eat after 6:00 p.m. so I'm not eating tonight. I know I know this is me not doing the diet correctly but I'm not hungry, it's late. Other than my hip bothering me I'm ok on this diet. My blood sugar is running around 119, blood pressure 158/87. I don't feel real energetic but my left leg has given me some problems today. I don't feel sluggish. I'm just so pleased my body has adjusted so well. I do hope I sleep better tonight. When I went to bed last night I asked the Lord to please let this diet be what he was speaking of when he spoke into my spirit that he would heal me through what I ate. I thanked him for allowing this diet to work for me so far and to guard my health throughout this diet. I became so excited I found it difficult to fall asleep. I wasn't as excited about finding something that worked for me but getting my health back to what it needs to be. I'm telling ya, I'm not a whiner but since being diabetic I have struggled with my health. I get so tired of going to doctors. If you're not diabetic especially a insulin dependent diabetic you'd never understand the struggle. It would be nice if I had a live-in cook to take care of all my meals but I don't so I have to research, count carbs, etc.... I'm praying I don't wake up hungry because I will have to wait till lunch to eat. Then again the Lord tells us we will reap what we sow. I'm heading to bed now and ready to thank the Lord for another successful day. Good nite!

1 comment:

Dmbrown88 said...

I am so proud of you. I know that you will succeed with your weight loss goal and getting your health back on track. I praying for you to keep up the good work. Love ya!

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