Monday, January 9, 2012


As my feet hit the floor this morning I was anxious to see how much weight I had lost since yesterday. Only one pound lost. Again one pound is better than no pounds. I guess I can't complain since I should not have skipped a meal. I took my morning drops and have to honestly say I was not all with it today. I really felt like staying in bed. By lunch I had to take a walk on the treadmill to see if I couldn't shake this. It helped but I still don't feel like doing a great lot of anything. I have energy but not the energy I've been having. I may even go to bed early tonight. So if you're considering this diet, don't do like I did yesterday. Follow it to a "T". My meals aren't getting exciting but not so bad either. For now I'm eating the basic food required. Lunch consisted of: 3.5 oz chicken breast (110 cal), 1 cup celery (19 cal), 1 melba toast (20 cal), 1 sm apple (57 cal). Supper consisted of 3.5 oz cod fillet (87 cal), 1 md cucumber (45 cal), and 1 sm apple (57 cal). Total for the day was 415 calories. When I fixed John's supper I was tempted to take a bite but knew I couldn't. It has been a struggle for me today and I'm sure it came from my behavior yesterday. Not enough food is just as bad as too much food. My thoughts today has drifted to a handful of pretzel m&m's sitting on the shelf, or making some homemade choc chip cookies. I'm not denying I've not thought about cheating today but my husband said something yesterday he has never said to me before on any diet adventure I've went for. But yesterday when I told him about skipping my supper because of not feeling hungry he said, "Honey, you can do this, I know you can do it". That meant the world to me because he's never encouraged me on any diet. Matter of fact, and I love this man dearly, he use to taunt me when I was on a diet. He'd bring in the cream filled donuts, fudge, or whatever he knew I liked. I figured him out when one time I was on a diet and I enjoyed eating Maple Nut Goodies. He never ate them but he brought them in the house. I asked why he bought them because he didn't eat them and he laughed saying, "you never know, I might like them too." Well he did eat them because I never touched them. Honest to goodness, sometimes I think it's a "man" thing. But since having the health problems I've had lately he has been so supportive. I think he and I are becoming more protective over each other as we get older. Now that's an age thing. Even though some of my hold cravings called out to me today. Even though I had a lazy day, I was successful. One more day gone and closer to my goal. Thirty four days to go to reaching the end of a 40 day diet, then I will do a maintenance part of it which will be a three week process. Right now, it's one day at a time. Take care and we'll see ya tomorrow.

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