Tuesday, January 10, 2012


No weight loss today. Total weight loss to date: 4 lbs. As much as I struggle to be disappointed I knew this could happen. People lose weight differently and at different rates. So no disappointment for me. Tomorrow is another day. Also today, I didn't take any HHCG drops. The site I purchased it from recommends on the seventh day to not take the drops so your body doesn't get accustomed to the drops. It's been a difficult day. I now realize just how much the drops curb my appetite. I've been on the treadmill twice today to help me through my cravings. Lunch consisted of 3.5 oz cod fish (90 cal), 1 c. chopped celery (19 cal), 1 small apple (57 cal), and 1 melba toast (20 cal) = 186 calories. Supper consisted of 3.5 ground chuck patty (150 cal), 1/2 lg cucumber (45 cal), and one melba toast (20 cal). I saved my last apple (57 cal)for later in the evening in case my cravings come back. Supper resulted in 272 calories. My total for the day is 458 calories. I wish I had something exciting to tell ya but the only thing I can think is "God is good, all the time". Patience isn't one of my best virtues so will pray hard tonight. I know I did not gain the weight overnight and I won't lose it overnight. And I sure don't want it back once lost this time. That is why I chose the HCG diet. It was used back around the 1950's and it has a maintenance part so as to teach our bodies to not gain back. The site I ordered from has a HCG Enhancer so you can eat up to 1200 calories and have the same weight loss. I'm not sure I want to go that route but have been researching where some are doing awesome on it. I will research more. By the end of this diet I should have a new outlook about foods and my body should be use to eating healthy and not have unhealthy cravings. There is light at the end of my tunnel! :)

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