Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I'm glad this diet worked for so many people and wish it had worked for me but while being on the diet I had three episodes with my heart getting out of control. I have problems with an irregular heart beat and am on heart medication to slow it down. Since being on the diet my heart rate and went to 130 and 135 while at rest waking me up in the middle of the night with coughing and violently vomiting due to not being able to breath fast enough to keep up with my heart rate. Once I vomit my heart rate comes down. I was so hoping this diet would work for me but guess not. I did learn some things that worked for my body and what didn't work. I will continue to count my carbs and calories. A wonderful lady told me once it's all about calories in and calories out. Important words I must heed. Please keep me in your prayers that I will find what works for me.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Bear with me please. I'm out of town but also not feeling well. I will start back on the diet once I get back home and will start blogging again but for now I think I have a virus or something. My stomach isn't feeling well at all. I'll talk to you soon on here. God Bless you all!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DAY 13 & 14 -HHCG DIET

I don't know what is going on but not feeling well today. I think I'm going off the diet for a couple of days since I'm heading to Lexington and make sure everything is ok. The last time I went off this diet I got ill. Adding carbs back in suddenly makes a difference I think. But anyway, I didn't write last night because I felt in a daze. Have you ever had one of those days. I didn't eat a lot but what I did eat had carbs in it. My belly didn't feel so good so went to bed around 11:30 pm. I tossed and turned and finally got to my feet around 1:30 am. I began throwing up and didn't feel well at all. I hated I woke John up by my noise since he gets up at 3:00 am for work. After one round of vomiting I checked my BP and it was 198/98. I heart was racing at 135 bpm. I know your thinking I'm crazy to go on with this diet but I can't say it's the diet. Things are making sense to me now. When I consume carbs on a diet or not on a diet this is what happens to me at least once a month. I've told the doctor about it and they can't figure it out either. Our bodies are amazing how the Lord made them and I think if we listen closely they will tell us in their own way what works and what doesn't. I'm working on a list on what I ate when I became ill to see if I see a pattern. Again be patient with me. I know this diet works. I've read too many good things about it. It's not even about the 500 calories. It has to be about combination of foods we take into our bodies. More to come soon......

Monday, January 16, 2012


I messed up yesterday. I don't know what happened because I can usually keep myself busy on Sunday's. I gave into my cravings and ate a little much. I ate meatloaf with John for supper. It was a small sizing and didn't contain bread or sugar but nevertheless it wasn't on my list of things to eat. I then gave into pizza later in the evening when I fixed it for John. I told you I'd be honest so there. I'm not making any excuses for myself because I really want to get the weight off so I'm facing myself this year. John and I have been discussing how we are going to focus on ourselves in 2012 to get our health under control. We are wanting to be stronger in the ministry and to do so we need ourselves stronger in mind, body, and spirit. John will be retiring in the near future and I want us to enjoy his retirement and be able to get out and travel when we want to. I have gotten back up on the horse today and picking up where I left off. I guess with any diet, we may fail and we get back on it and go again. I intend to be victorious in several areas of my life this year. God will direct my paths and I will listen more closely to what he has to tell me. This is not my home. I have a mansion waiting for me in Heaven made by the Master Builder. With the Lord as my pilot I'll be thinner, healthier, and more knowledgable this year and years to come. God is good...all the time.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Two more pounds lost. Woke up bored this morning. I'm bored with food and that is what I was afraid of, being limited. It's the weekend and when John has the privilege to be off for the weekend we like to get out since he doesn't get to do much of anything after work due to being so tired. We ran to Harlan to look around Big Lots. I had my HCG with me this time so I was able to take it while in Harlan and wasn't hungry. This helped alot so I know to keep the HCG with me when I travel. I so enjoy seeing what all Big Lots has to offer from week to week. It's actually a neat place to shop. It's not Kirklands but it is the one of the better we have around here. I measured myself again today. I've been measuring but have not commented but now I have lost a total of 4.5". I knew some of my clothes were getting a little looser. I was reading a book on HCG last night and it was saying that if you know you are going to travel to stop the HCG 3 days before traveling and go on a strict diet until I get back so I will have to do that this week. I will be going to Lexington to see my daughter and grandsons so will stop the HCG 3 days before I leave. I will have to pick up when I get back. I'm excited to see what this will do for me. I could continue without stopping the HCG but my blood sugar has been falling quickly at times which causes me to become staggery and messes with my head so I feel it's not safe to drive that far on my own under those conditions. I sure hope I'm not boring you with this diet but I am. I apologize for that but I told my son I'd blog this diet to help hold myself more accountable. I could share my most inner thoughts on how I hate ever gaining so much weight and how I'm not proud to walk around wearing looser tops because I hate the fat roll around my belly. My youngest grandson once called it my inner tube. I hate going to the plus size section of stores when the smaller sizes are so much cuter. This is all true I just didn't think it would make me feel so relieved to share this. I don't enjoy looking in the mirror and I thank God every day that my husband loves me with with all my faults and failures. I don't feel pretty and I don't feel comfortable with myself being the size I am. I will be the first to poke fun fearing someone else may. I learned to be content with myself because every diet I've tried has failed and I don't want surgery even though I will qualify not by weight but by having heart disease, high blood pressure, and being diabetic. I didn't want to be cut on if I can help it. Ok, I just liberated myself and I hope you have encouraging words for me because I just spoke my true feelings on a blog. Take care, I'll see you tomorrow.


One more pound lost. A very good day today. Baked chicken salad for lunch and shrimp with celery for supper. The diet is getting so much easier now. I have time to review my eating habits and take a good look at how I have been treating my body for the past years. I won't say few years cause it's been many years. During my dieting I've been cooking for John more from scratch other than canned veggies. We've been discussing how processed foods are not healthy for us being diabetics. I was watching a show on TV the other night and once again they are talking about how many spiders we eat in a year. Did you know they claim we eat over 500 spiders. The FDA allows so much "other things" in the processing of our foods. John and I have been sharing ideas about going back to the basics. We speak of getting back to the basics of life in church. We, as a society, have gotten so out of control in how we eat, the things we do that keeps us from truly fellowshipping with family and close friends. I now ask myself, where have I been over the past 30+ years. Why does it have to take something drastic in our lives to open our eyes to so many things. Could it be because certain things are not a priority in our lives. One thing I confess I know I just pushed aside is how we know when satan attacks someone it's a little at a time kind of like the ax head God speaks about in his word. It doesn't come off all at one time, it comes off a little at a time. That is how our eating habits gets out of control, a little at a time. I'll be the first to admit I love food. I'm a picky eater because I won't eat mayo, mustard, ketchup, sour cream, etc.... but I love good food. I'm like the ax head I've ate and ate without being concerned over calories, carbs, or fats until my ax head came off and I can't figure out how I gained so much weight. Does that sound like something you've done? I'll be measuring inches tonight to see if how many inches I've lost. My pants are fitting much better and my tops are a size looser. I can tell I'm losing fat from my back, upper stomach area, and thighs so far. More to come!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm sorry I did not post yesterday. I changed phone and internet service so I was offline until today. I lost 1 pound yesterday. I'm not going to go through the menu because it's basically the same until I learn to do something different and I think I'm almost there. Before I go into it let me tell you my calorie intake yesterday was 542 calories. I went over but had no choice. For the first time since being a diabetic I began bottoming out. I became unstable on my feet. I couldn't walk straight. I kept bumping into things around the house. I was fumbling with things. By the time I sat down for supper I was shaking and even though a level of 88 sounds good it was a sudden drop and that's not good. I ate a piece of chocolate since that was the closest thing to me. I began eating my supper and was sure my blood sugar would be rise some after that but not so. I was fine while I ate but about 20 minutes after eating I began feeling nauseated. I checked my blood sugar and it had dropped another point. It was at 87 this time. So I ate another piece of chocolate which took my sugar up to 110 then a little while after that back down to 87 again. By the time I arrived at church I had ate about 4 pieces of small chocolates. My sugar finally came up to 132 and stayed there. I know many of you especially if you are diabetic would say a blood sugar level of 88 is nothing but please remember I have had a high blood sugar level over 200 for a few years and my body is not accustomed to anything that low. I've been researching on how diabetics deal with this diet but can't seem to find anything thus far. Day 9 - This morning I lost 1 pound. After a day like I had yesterday I didn't think I'd lose anything. Today I was back on track and staying busy. I'm cleaning things I've not cleaned in quite some time! I'm enjoying staying busy and I finally got my little TV connected to cable today so now I can enjoy my kitchen even more. John had bought me this small flat cd/dvd/tv/radio for my kitchen. It can be mounted under a shelf but I laid it on a shelf and that works good for me. I'm doing good with my cooking for John and not picking at the food. I think my picking days are over, yeah!!! I fixed a pizza for him tonight and didn't touch it. I sat with my 12 strawberries with some Stevia. Normally I'd be tempted because I love pizza but you know it didn't bother me. God is guiding me through this diet and I am going to come out victorious!!!! I did buy some shrimp to have tomorrow so that will be different and I'll let you know how that goes. My caloric intake today was 444 calories. I am pushing my lunch up to 12:30 and supper at 5:30 pm then saving my first snack is at 3 pm and my second snack between 8-9 pm. This should solve any cravings. Oh before I go I do want to thank a dear friend, you know who you are, for giving me a cd with forms I need for the HCG Diet. I can track my food & calorie intake as well as my measurements. I'm measuring myself now because I've pulled out some tops that was tight on me and now are comfortable. I am thinning out through my back and chest area so I know I'm losing in inches. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


No weight loss today. Total weight loss to date: 4 lbs. As much as I struggle to be disappointed I knew this could happen. People lose weight differently and at different rates. So no disappointment for me. Tomorrow is another day. Also today, I didn't take any HHCG drops. The site I purchased it from recommends on the seventh day to not take the drops so your body doesn't get accustomed to the drops. It's been a difficult day. I now realize just how much the drops curb my appetite. I've been on the treadmill twice today to help me through my cravings. Lunch consisted of 3.5 oz cod fish (90 cal), 1 c. chopped celery (19 cal), 1 small apple (57 cal), and 1 melba toast (20 cal) = 186 calories. Supper consisted of 3.5 ground chuck patty (150 cal), 1/2 lg cucumber (45 cal), and one melba toast (20 cal). I saved my last apple (57 cal)for later in the evening in case my cravings come back. Supper resulted in 272 calories. My total for the day is 458 calories. I wish I had something exciting to tell ya but the only thing I can think is "God is good, all the time". Patience isn't one of my best virtues so will pray hard tonight. I know I did not gain the weight overnight and I won't lose it overnight. And I sure don't want it back once lost this time. That is why I chose the HCG diet. It was used back around the 1950's and it has a maintenance part so as to teach our bodies to not gain back. The site I ordered from has a HCG Enhancer so you can eat up to 1200 calories and have the same weight loss. I'm not sure I want to go that route but have been researching where some are doing awesome on it. I will research more. By the end of this diet I should have a new outlook about foods and my body should be use to eating healthy and not have unhealthy cravings. There is light at the end of my tunnel! :)

Monday, January 9, 2012


As my feet hit the floor this morning I was anxious to see how much weight I had lost since yesterday. Only one pound lost. Again one pound is better than no pounds. I guess I can't complain since I should not have skipped a meal. I took my morning drops and have to honestly say I was not all with it today. I really felt like staying in bed. By lunch I had to take a walk on the treadmill to see if I couldn't shake this. It helped but I still don't feel like doing a great lot of anything. I have energy but not the energy I've been having. I may even go to bed early tonight. So if you're considering this diet, don't do like I did yesterday. Follow it to a "T". My meals aren't getting exciting but not so bad either. For now I'm eating the basic food required. Lunch consisted of: 3.5 oz chicken breast (110 cal), 1 cup celery (19 cal), 1 melba toast (20 cal), 1 sm apple (57 cal). Supper consisted of 3.5 oz cod fillet (87 cal), 1 md cucumber (45 cal), and 1 sm apple (57 cal). Total for the day was 415 calories. When I fixed John's supper I was tempted to take a bite but knew I couldn't. It has been a struggle for me today and I'm sure it came from my behavior yesterday. Not enough food is just as bad as too much food. My thoughts today has drifted to a handful of pretzel m&m's sitting on the shelf, or making some homemade choc chip cookies. I'm not denying I've not thought about cheating today but my husband said something yesterday he has never said to me before on any diet adventure I've went for. But yesterday when I told him about skipping my supper because of not feeling hungry he said, "Honey, you can do this, I know you can do it". That meant the world to me because he's never encouraged me on any diet. Matter of fact, and I love this man dearly, he use to taunt me when I was on a diet. He'd bring in the cream filled donuts, fudge, or whatever he knew I liked. I figured him out when one time I was on a diet and I enjoyed eating Maple Nut Goodies. He never ate them but he brought them in the house. I asked why he bought them because he didn't eat them and he laughed saying, "you never know, I might like them too." Well he did eat them because I never touched them. Honest to goodness, sometimes I think it's a "man" thing. But since having the health problems I've had lately he has been so supportive. I think he and I are becoming more protective over each other as we get older. Now that's an age thing. Even though some of my hold cravings called out to me today. Even though I had a lazy day, I was successful. One more day gone and closer to my goal. Thirty four days to go to reaching the end of a 40 day diet, then I will do a maintenance part of it which will be a three week process. Right now, it's one day at a time. Take care and we'll see ya tomorrow.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I made my way to the scales this morning which I'm keeping in my kitchen for now. I've lost 2 pounds so that is a total of 3 pounds now. Yeah!!!!! That may not sound like much to you but it's a milestone for me. While at church I was made aware that after the service my son and his family, John and myself were going to Whitesburg to pray with a dear sister who was in the hospital. I didn't have my HHCG with me so I was concerned about traveling without it. The diet recommends you don't eat out while on the diet because it's difficult to do accurate calorie calculations. I'm use to eating around 11:00 a.m. and did not eat until around 2:00 p.m. Everyone decided to eat at Long John's Silvers so I'm thinking ok I can do this. I'll get a piece of grilled Tilapia. My daughter-in-law recommended that I pick up a garden salad at Wendy's which is only 25 calories. That worked for me too. Even though you are to have one vegetable at each meal I ate a small amount of carrots on my salad. I put aside the croutons and I never eat salad dressing. By the time I ate my meal I only consumed around 122 calories. After eating I had to run to Walmart before heading back to Cumberland. I had to pick up coffee filters. This morning I had to use a paper napkin as a filter. Hey, I'm not doing without my coffee. By doing this we arrived at church 30 minutes early. I did not get to eat supper and guess what, I wasn't hungry. We got home after church around 9:00 p.m. I went directly in and took my 10 drops of HHCG. It is now 10:46 p.m. and I'm not hungry and have been trying not to eat after 6:00 p.m. so I'm not eating tonight. I know I know this is me not doing the diet correctly but I'm not hungry, it's late. Other than my hip bothering me I'm ok on this diet. My blood sugar is running around 119, blood pressure 158/87. I don't feel real energetic but my left leg has given me some problems today. I don't feel sluggish. I'm just so pleased my body has adjusted so well. I do hope I sleep better tonight. When I went to bed last night I asked the Lord to please let this diet be what he was speaking of when he spoke into my spirit that he would heal me through what I ate. I thanked him for allowing this diet to work for me so far and to guard my health throughout this diet. I became so excited I found it difficult to fall asleep. I wasn't as excited about finding something that worked for me but getting my health back to what it needs to be. I'm telling ya, I'm not a whiner but since being diabetic I have struggled with my health. I get so tired of going to doctors. If you're not diabetic especially a insulin dependent diabetic you'd never understand the struggle. It would be nice if I had a live-in cook to take care of all my meals but I don't so I have to research, count carbs, etc.... I'm praying I don't wake up hungry because I will have to wait till lunch to eat. Then again the Lord tells us we will reap what we sow. I'm heading to bed now and ready to thank the Lord for another successful day. Good nite!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well it's Day 4 and I should be seeing the weight slowly go. I felt really good this morning when waking up, not my usual draggy sluggish self. I could begin to like this person. :) I weighed this morning as soon as I got up, well not so soon, I had to go through my ritual of putting coffee on so I could begin my day. One pound is gone, I wish it were two but one pound is better than no pounds at all. Thank you Lord for that one pound, please keep it, I don't want it back. It didn't look good on me. Time went a little faster today. I did feel nauseated around 10:00 a.m. but I drank a bottled water and it quickly passed. I think the reason being is where I'm use to eating breakfast. I was and still am a firm believer that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Someone once told me that you should eat breakfast like a queen (king), lunch like a princess (prince), and supper like a pauper. It makes one wonder if we aren't backwards with meal planning. I have a sister-in-law who when my brother was alive always made fantastic suppers because she believed it was the most important meal of the day. It worked for her cause she was always a small made person. Skipping breakfast has been the hardest part for me since being on the HHCG Diet because I love to go to Huddle House to have a Philly Cheese Steak Omelet if I don't cook at home. I was very impressed with myself this morning because I wasn't expecting or desiring to eat breakfast. Coffee was sufficient and once I started my day it was no time before it was time for me to eat lunch. I have been eating my lunch between 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and supper between 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. I try to have supper as late as possible but before 6:00 p.m. because when I come off this diet I want to be in the habit of not eating after 6:00 p.m. unless it's a raw veggie or fruit. For lunch I made a salad with 3.5 oz chic breast (110 cal), 4 pieces of loose leaf lettuce (4 cal), 1 melba toast (20 cal), and 1 small orange (45 cal) for dessert. This gave me a total of 179 calories. Supper consisted of 3.5 oz Tilapia (97 cal + 5 cal for seasoning), 1 melba toast (20 cal), 1 small apple (57 cal)which gave me a total of 179 calories. Total for the day was 358 calories When fixing Tilapia I sprinkled it with a dry BBQ powder. I love BBQ as long as you can't smell vinegar in it but I thought since I'm counting every calorie I would use a dry BBQ powder and let me tell you, it was soooo delicious. This will definitely be part of my regimen when cooking fish after this diet. John, my husband, doesn't like fish but I may even be able to persuade him to try it. Ok, one pound down so I'm on my way. Let's see what tomorrow brings. See you tomorrow evening. Oh, one last thing I'm also going to begin reading my Bible from Genesis to Revelation this year (I've never done that). I'm a topical reader. I enjoy studying on a topic so this will be new for me but going to make a great effort. A hot fresh cup of coffee is waiting for me, have a good evening, I'll see ya tomorrow.

Friday, January 6, 2012


I made it through today. The first day is always difficult for me only because I pick at food throughout the day. I kept busy today. I finished painting my interior chimney. I am so amazed at the energy I have by cutting a bunch of "junk" out of my daily intake. Hey, any energy is good energy! For breakfast I had my drops then 30 minutes later I had my coffee; for lunch I had drops and a 3.5 oz chicken breast (87 cal) and 1 lg. cucumber (34 cal) and 1 small apple (55 cal)= 176 cal. Supper consisted HHCG drops then waited 30 minutes before having 1-3.5 oz ground chuck patty (150 cal) wrapped in 4 leaves of loose leaf lettuce (20 cal) and 1 small apple (34 cal)= 204 cal which gave me a total for the day of 380 calories. This total for the day is too too low. It needs to be as close to 500 calories as possible. I'm through for the night and will have oranges tomorrow for dessert to get the calorie count up. I also forgot to have my Melba toast with supper today. Wow, that sounds really weird. I'm having to make myself eat 500 calories a day. It's definitely not a good thing to go too far below the 500 calorie mark. I'm also drinking plenty of water as well as having coffee in between meals. I have my usual pot of caffeine for breakfast then it's decaf rest of the day. I will have to be more careful with the calorie intake. I don't want to put myself in starvation mode. Thanks for hanging out with me tonight. I should start seeing a weight difference in the morning and will report the pounds lost each day forward.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Well I was up throwing up from 4 am this morning till 6:30 am and have been in bed most of the day. I don't think I'm coming down with anything but think I just ate too much yesterday. It was stomach acid that came up and I didn't have heart burn. You would think given the opportunity to eat high fat food would be a good thing but I don't normally eat high fat foods. My problem with food is picking at it all day long. I know you may not wanted to know all that but I have to be honest in this blog. My son, Johnathan, brought me breakfast this morning. It was so sweet of him. He had no clue I was ill all night. He brought me gravy & biscuits, bacon, egg, and hash browns. I was only able to eat half a biscuit with gravy, bacon and two hash browns. For lunch I tried eating some ravioli, about half a cup, which I never eat but just couldn't think of eating anything else. I munched on some Cheetos around 3 pm. I went to KFC this evening when John (my hubby) and I ran to Harlan to pick up some things. Not feeling 100% so only ate a chicken breast,small amount of mashed potatoes/gravy, okra and a biscuit. Oh and a small piece of bread pudding (I've gotta learn how to make that, it's soooooo good). Going to bed now, will fill you in tomorrow night on how tomorrow, Friday, goes. I will not have breakfast in the morning but will take 10 drops of HHCG, wait 30 minutes, then drink my coffee. See ya tomorrow night!!! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today is January 4, 2012 and I have been praying how to approach this year in the name of my Heavenly Father. I will continue to post what the Lord lays on my heart but I also will be posting something new. I am trying to better my health and hopefully get myself off of insulin and blood pressure medicine. A couple of years ago I shared with my church something the Lord spoke into my spirit. I was praying for a healing from diabetes and high blood pressure. I had prayed for almost a year when the Lord spoke into my spirit that he would heal me through what I ate. I wasn't sure what he meant. In the flesh I knew I was overweight and needed to lose weight to get my health under control. I'm not one to share my process of weight loss with the public but feel this is something I need to do so I can be held more accountable. Now does that give you permission to come down hard on me if I fail? Of course not, I would like to believe you will help motivate me to stick to this "change of eating habits". I don't know how much you know about the HCG Diet or if you know about it at all. I'm not going to go into detail about it here except to tell you it is a pregnancy hormone used with a 500 calorie diet and I'm using the homeopathic version. I tried the diet before Christmas and decided due to all the cooking I'm better off restarting in January when things have slowed down and I'm staying at home more. During the week I was on it I lost 17 pounds and have since only gained 2 pounds of it back. It's not a diet to play with. The HCG Diet is a serious diet to consider and I will discuss it with my doctor. In my online research some claim homeopathic versions only possess very little of the pregnancy hormone but the HHCG drops I purchased worked well for me. I enjoyed the energy I suddenly acquired. When you're diabetic you have many many days where you are sluggish and it takes an act of congress, so to speak, to just get basic cleaning done. Before diabetes I was a very "hyper" person but since becoming diabetic I struggle with doing some basic things around the house. At times I struggle to stay awake even after sleeping 8 hours the night before. I'm not a lazy person but feel like one more times than I can count. Someone shared how the HCG diet worked for them and I'm a skeptical person but hearing about this diet became very intriguing to me. I begin my online research. For me the good out weighs the bad. I hope you enjoy walking through this diet with me. Please help me pray this is the way the Lord was speaking of when he told me he would heal me through what I ate. This is a difficult step for me to take because as I said I don't usually share my weight loss process with the public. I don't like singling myself out. I feel like I'm saying, "Hey look at me I'm fat". I know I am overweight and dealing with it is one thing but bringing public attention to it is another. Please love me through this. *Taking a deep breath* Here goes: HHCG Diet I hate scales and believe they should be banned!! Oh Lord I hate writing this down but my weight today is 215. Day 1 - On the first two days I'm to take 7-10 drops of HCG under my tongue and hold it for 60 seconds before swallowing. I will wait 30 minutes before eating. I'm then to eat high fat foods, as much as I can hold, each day for two days. So today, Thursday, I will eat out since I have to run to Harlan and will decide between now and then what to eat. I'm not good with greasy foods other than Long John Silvers (love it!!!) so we'll see. I never considered myself a big eater but I'm pretty sure my weight gain comes from lack of exercise and picking at the M&M's and Hershey Kisses I keep in my candy dishes. Isn't it amazing how much we pick at food items and don't realize it!

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