Monday, April 9, 2012


Speaking is a gift from God. At times I don’t think we really realize just how much we take being able to talk for granted. I have never, as much as I’d like to, learned how to talk with sign language.  It must be very difficult for those who cannot speak or even hear. It breaks my heart how I, myself, take having the ability to talk for granted. Speaking may come natural to you but not to everyone.

I’ve been reading “Becoming A Titus 2 Woman”.  I don’t know at times while reading if I’m glad God put the book, on my heart or discouraged because my sins are being revealed to me.  I thought reading the Bible or God’s soft voice speaking to my spirit was how he’d reveal my sins but now I know it can be revealed in many ways. I’m pretty confident that is why God’s ways are not our ways.

Here is a paragraph from the book that tells us, as women, that our words should be edifying and not destructive: “Edifying words build up the other person. They are not a false, manipulative form of giving praise. They are spoken for the purpose of helping the other person be strong in the Lord or to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ. They may be encouraging or they may be a reproof. It depends on what would be appropriate. Such words are honoring to the Lord and have an eternal purpose and worth.” [Becoming A Titus 2 Woman, Page 37]

God expects us to be gracious in our speech and not malicious gossips. I Timothy 3:11—So must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.  We, as sisters in Christ, are to uplift one another but also reproof in a godly manner when necessary.  When attending my church I need to know that no matter what I face in my life I can confide in my Christian sisters and be reproved or motivated in Christ.  I, in turn, need to be there for my sisters in Christ. I don’t want to be found a gossip or a destroyer of another’s testimony. I think too many find joy and self gratification in speaking ill of the other.  I have become so turned off by negativity that I have to really pray and ask God to allow me to discern between someone being negative or actually hurting. I do struggle with this because, and I don’t know if you feel like this, but when someone is always negative then it affects me as a person. I feel so dragged down.

Another passage from the books says: When an older woman befriends a younger woman, she is likely to influence the younger woman’s thinking and actions. That can be good news or bad news. For example, it is bad news when the older woman leads the younger woman into heresy. It is good news when the older woman is doctrinally sound. It is bad news when the older woman rebels against the authority of her elders in her church or her husband. It is good news when she is graciously  under their authority. It is bad news when the older woman is a gossip. It is good news when she is like the “holy women of old” (I Peter 3:5) [Becoming A Titus 2 Woman, Page 31]

I know many women won’t care for that passage where it speaks of rebelling against her husband and I understand because I use to be bad for that but God has worked wonders in my marriage and where I was once stubborn, I now can speak with my husband about most anything. I’m still working on my stubbornness but I never thought I’d see the day I’d ask him, “Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?” But I do because I want him to be honest with me and help me be the best I can be. I’m not right all the time and I want to be doctrinally sound. I want to be like the “holy women of old”.  I want my life to be of a good report. I don’t want to be looked upon as a malicious gossip. I don’t want to be marked as a “trouble maker”.  I want to be subjective to my husband. He is a great man of God and I know he will never teach me anything that is not sound doctrine. I want to be subjective to the elders of the church who knows God’s word and will reprove me or support me in times of need.  As we gain new young women in our church I want them to see me as someone they can confide in, who will pray with them when they need prayer.  I thank God for the women he is adding to our small church. These women are not only our future, they are our “today”.  This is why teaching should never end. Women should never feel like because they are to be subjective to their husbands or the elders in the church that they are not to know the scriptures as the husband, preacher, or elders know the scriptures. God holds us all accountable to know the word and not twist it to suit our situations or what we choose to believe. Jesus fought Satan with the word of God and that is how we are to fight Satan also. He is the destroyer of all things good.

I know as I continue to read “Becoming a Titus 2 Woman” the Lord will continue to reveal what I need to work on in my character, sound doctrine, and ministry. I’m learning to be humble and not rebellious. I don’t want to be “who I am” or “how I am”. I want to be “who I am” and “how I am” in God. There is too much negativity in the world and too many people who like nothing more than to drag others down or destroy their testimonies. I don’t want to be part of that. If it means being a “loner for God” then that will be me. I’m living proof that the more we, as women talk, the more we get ourselves in trouble. So don’t be a do-gooder but do good in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you for allowing me to share with you one more time. May God guide you in everything you do and may your life be richly blessed each day.

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