Monday, April 30, 2012


Reminiscing about the past can bring back fond memories. Children, after they become adults. confess more things, we, as parents, would NOT like to know. The past can also remind you of struggles that didn’t end so well.  When family and friends gather at family reunions, parties, etc….. reminiscing can’t be dodged. The whole purpose of gatherings is sharing memories.  Most people enjoy sharing the past. Sharing hurtful pasts can send  many away feeling just as hurt as if it happened that very day. It may be the loss of a loved one, divorce, or domestic violence. I love my family and friends dearly but would never pry into hurtful things I know about or those I’ve only heard about, or question them about things I don’t know anything about.  I love enjoying my time spent with a friend or family member whenever we can grab a moment away from the hustle and bustle of a busy life. I like going to bed at night with a peaceful mind knowing everything that day stayed focused on the positive.

I have failed so many times when it comes to this area. I’ve had my feelings hurt too many times to count and mostly by Christians.  I’ve been personally attacked by people I thought loved me. I’ve been lied on and have been shocked the other person was believed over me. But thank you Jesus!!! I’ve been able to overcome. I am an Overcomer!!!! I’m sure I’ve done my share of hurting and many times over had to repent and ask God’s forgiveness. I will not use the famous term, “we’re only human” even though I’m very aware of that but that excuse doesn’t work with God so I’ve let it go out of my vocabulary. It’s a “cop out” phrase to make ourselves feel better for being so mean.

 I’ve put a burden on my family in the past because of dumping my pain and hurt on them. God wouldn’t allow me to approach the person who hurt me. I’ve asked about the scripture where it says, “go to him and him alone”. God has assured me “I” was not in the right mind frame to go to anyone at that particular time. I was biting nails and could say some very hurtful things. I’ve cried out to God telling him it’s not fair that they get by with it. God knows what’s best for us and his reason for our not fighting back is more important than our reason why we should fight back. God instructs us to not let our good be evil spoken of. Some people profess God but their hearts are far from him.  One thing God has showed me in my christian life is not to get involved with those who whisper and talk between their teeth. Nothing good ever comes out of that person when they do those things. I’m thankful my family has been my covering, my protector and they let me bounce off them (not always a good thing). I should say they tolerate my annoying tantrums. They don’t always agree with me but my family prays with me and they pray for me. I’ve been given  a “good talking to” from my husband and son who knows God’s word very well. I take to heart their instructions though I don’t like what I hear and at times even feel they joined forces with the other side  but I know they will not lead me astray.

I thank God for the ability to pick up the pieces in “His name” and go forward. For I have been broken and I have been shattered into many pieces. God weeds people out of our lives. I don’t mean he wants us to shun them but you should never confide in or bring this person into your inner circle of friends. They ‘ARE NOT’ doing a God service when they are cruel to you. You can pray for them but keep them at a safe distance.  It doesn’t matter what has happened in your life or who has hurt you. God will deliver you. You will be an overcomer if you trust in God and not turn to your own ways.  When I’ve been broken or abused I have a tendency to go into silence. God doesn’t allow me to talk much during this time. He knows my mouth can be my downfall.  When I’ve been questioned for being so quiet I’ve told people I’m in my desert place and God is teaching me something, he is wanting me to learn something. God has been teaching me that I’m not the easiest person to get along with. I know I can be critical and I absolutely love those who are not afraid to tell me they don’t agree with me but yet don’t get mad at me. At least I know our cards are on the table and we are communicating. We are agreeing to disagree so to speak.  I may disagree with you but I’ll still respect you for taking a stand on what you believe. I will NOT talk about you behind your back. It’s not disagreeing that is the problem. It’s how we disagree. If you’re going to be hateful and argumentive I’ll leave you to yourself. I don’t need it. Being mean to others is not my way of communicating.  Disagreeing can be done in a civil manner and still remain friends, family, or acquaintances.

It doesn’t matter what you have went through in your past or what you are presently going through. God will help you pick up the pieces and make you an overcomer through him. Open yourself up and allow him to take control. If you have never accepted him as your Savior then you should do that first then you simply need to pray and study his word. Allow God to make decisions for you. Go gather up your pieces.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Speaking is a gift from God. At times I don’t think we really realize just how much we take being able to talk for granted. I have never, as much as I’d like to, learned how to talk with sign language.  It must be very difficult for those who cannot speak or even hear. It breaks my heart how I, myself, take having the ability to talk for granted. Speaking may come natural to you but not to everyone.

I’ve been reading “Becoming A Titus 2 Woman”.  I don’t know at times while reading if I’m glad God put the book, on my heart or discouraged because my sins are being revealed to me.  I thought reading the Bible or God’s soft voice speaking to my spirit was how he’d reveal my sins but now I know it can be revealed in many ways. I’m pretty confident that is why God’s ways are not our ways.

Here is a paragraph from the book that tells us, as women, that our words should be edifying and not destructive: “Edifying words build up the other person. They are not a false, manipulative form of giving praise. They are spoken for the purpose of helping the other person be strong in the Lord or to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ. They may be encouraging or they may be a reproof. It depends on what would be appropriate. Such words are honoring to the Lord and have an eternal purpose and worth.” [Becoming A Titus 2 Woman, Page 37]

God expects us to be gracious in our speech and not malicious gossips. I Timothy 3:11—So must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.  We, as sisters in Christ, are to uplift one another but also reproof in a godly manner when necessary.  When attending my church I need to know that no matter what I face in my life I can confide in my Christian sisters and be reproved or motivated in Christ.  I, in turn, need to be there for my sisters in Christ. I don’t want to be found a gossip or a destroyer of another’s testimony. I think too many find joy and self gratification in speaking ill of the other.  I have become so turned off by negativity that I have to really pray and ask God to allow me to discern between someone being negative or actually hurting. I do struggle with this because, and I don’t know if you feel like this, but when someone is always negative then it affects me as a person. I feel so dragged down.

Another passage from the books says: When an older woman befriends a younger woman, she is likely to influence the younger woman’s thinking and actions. That can be good news or bad news. For example, it is bad news when the older woman leads the younger woman into heresy. It is good news when the older woman is doctrinally sound. It is bad news when the older woman rebels against the authority of her elders in her church or her husband. It is good news when she is graciously  under their authority. It is bad news when the older woman is a gossip. It is good news when she is like the “holy women of old” (I Peter 3:5) [Becoming A Titus 2 Woman, Page 31]

I know many women won’t care for that passage where it speaks of rebelling against her husband and I understand because I use to be bad for that but God has worked wonders in my marriage and where I was once stubborn, I now can speak with my husband about most anything. I’m still working on my stubbornness but I never thought I’d see the day I’d ask him, “Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?” But I do because I want him to be honest with me and help me be the best I can be. I’m not right all the time and I want to be doctrinally sound. I want to be like the “holy women of old”.  I want my life to be of a good report. I don’t want to be looked upon as a malicious gossip. I don’t want to be marked as a “trouble maker”.  I want to be subjective to my husband. He is a great man of God and I know he will never teach me anything that is not sound doctrine. I want to be subjective to the elders of the church who knows God’s word and will reprove me or support me in times of need.  As we gain new young women in our church I want them to see me as someone they can confide in, who will pray with them when they need prayer.  I thank God for the women he is adding to our small church. These women are not only our future, they are our “today”.  This is why teaching should never end. Women should never feel like because they are to be subjective to their husbands or the elders in the church that they are not to know the scriptures as the husband, preacher, or elders know the scriptures. God holds us all accountable to know the word and not twist it to suit our situations or what we choose to believe. Jesus fought Satan with the word of God and that is how we are to fight Satan also. He is the destroyer of all things good.

I know as I continue to read “Becoming a Titus 2 Woman” the Lord will continue to reveal what I need to work on in my character, sound doctrine, and ministry. I’m learning to be humble and not rebellious. I don’t want to be “who I am” or “how I am”. I want to be “who I am” and “how I am” in God. There is too much negativity in the world and too many people who like nothing more than to drag others down or destroy their testimonies. I don’t want to be part of that. If it means being a “loner for God” then that will be me. I’m living proof that the more we, as women talk, the more we get ourselves in trouble. So don’t be a do-gooder but do good in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you for allowing me to share with you one more time. May God guide you in everything you do and may your life be richly blessed each day.

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