Monday, February 20, 2012

A Road Worth Taking

I get so tired of complaining because I hurt all the time. My joints ache, between my joints ache, I hurt all over. I don't like the person I've become. I liked me much better when I could do more things with less effort.  I miss being the positive person I once was. I miss being with friends, laughing together, and having good times. These days I'm more secluded, going out only when I must. I don't move as much as I use to which my husband says contributes to my aches and pains. I've become a quieter person. I've become a prayer warrior. 

Praying for others is something I know I can do without being in pain. I can lift others up in prayer spiritually without hurting myself. But who in the world would want me to in this 'state' I'm in. I so enjoy being around people who are positive, uplifting, and aggressive in a good way. I've always told my children there is someone out there in worse condition than you are. We are never as bad off as we can be or as we think we are. 

Jesus Christ grew up to be tormented, abused, and mocked. His clothing was torn off him, his head was encased with a crown of thorns pushed down so hard upon his head that blood ran like a stream. He was beaten until his back was a blood bath with meat stripped exposing bone.  His hands and feet nailed to a cross and his body radically shaken as the pole was jarred into the ground. All this for what reason? All this was done so you and I could be saved. You never asked him to do this for you, you say? You should be glad he did. He did this knowing we had the free will to ask him to be our Lord and Savior or to reject him. Jesus could have came down from the cross. I have no doubt in my mind that he could've said, "ok, that's enough, I'm through." Yet he didn't. He suffered it all and why? Because of love. Love is a very special and powerful word that we in today's society abuse and use extremely loose. 

Jesus offered us a road into Heaven or a road into Hell. We have the freedom to choose what road we will take. Now who in the world wants to make a decision like that when you can come and go as you please, party hard, and have sex like eating candy (any time you want it)? Fun only lasts for a while then what? The love Jesus Christ offers is eternal. We learn so much being Christians. We learn sex isn't like candy. There is a time and place for that kind of relationship. It's called marriage! You can party with your Christian friends,  it's different kind of partying. You don't have to worry about someone getting hurt but if they do you can join in prayer asking the Lord for help.  You don't have to worry about someone overdosing. Living a Christian life brings you spiritual peace. There will be a  calming of the spirit you'll never experience any other way. Every day won't be a party nor will every day be an easy day. Your day can be approached with wisdom and knowledge as you study God's word to find out what he wants you to do that day or what you should say to others. Being a Christian isn't a scary way of life. We learn each day and yes, we make mistakes. 

Being a Christian isn't a perfect life but it's a forgiving life. We don't intentionally hurt someone then ask forgiveness. We learn how to get along with others rather Christian or non-Christian. We learn how to love one another with a love only God can give us. We learn how to  lift each other up during bad times and not stomp them into the ground. Christianity is a forgiving way. Christianity is a road worth taking . You have the promise of living in Heaven for all eternity. You can also choose to burn in Hell for all eternity too. I don't think that is the road you'd rather take, right?  Who wants to burn and be in excruciating pain for ever and ever? The Bible tells us  Revelation 14:11  And the SMOKE OF THEIR TORMENT ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night...   I wouldn't want to go there. Why would you? Forever is eternity, no coming back, final call. You don't give up anything by being a Christian. You just don't want to do the same things anymore that you use to do.  When I feel all alone I'm reminded that Jesus Christ is only a prayer away. He's there to comfort me in a way no one else can. 

Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will be one of the greatest decisions you'll ever make in your life. After accepting Jesus as your Savior then you can begin looking for a church that meets your needs. Look for a church that teaches you discipleship. Discipleship is an important part of being a Christian. Being a Disciple is being a follower. We must follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. We must learn to be good servants. By being a good servant you will learn to be a great teacher. 

So with my aches and pains I will continue to follow my Lord and Savior. I will be a prayer warrior and lift up those around me. It's not my place to tear anyone down. There are too many so called Christians who do that already. I want to be a supporter of those in spiritual need. I choose the road that leads me in the arms of Jesus Christ. What road do you find worth taking? 

Thank you for allowing me to share with you today. I so love writing what the Lord lays on my heart. The road I have chosen is a road worth taking. God Bless you and yours. 

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