Thursday, October 6, 2011


I haven't worked in public since May 2011 due to health issues. I thought I was having problems with my hip and left leg only to find out it is my back that is generating the problems. I can't get much sleep at night. I walk the floors, can't rest, can't seem to find peace within my body. Have you ever been like that? I'm not normally whiny nor am I usually a complainer but it appears that lately I am so whiny and complaining to the point I can see the disappointment in my husband's eyes. I'm not one for pain medication so I tough it out. Tylenol or Excedrine are my pain medications of choice. Have you ever dreaded going to sleep. I have always been ready to go to bed when I'm sleepy and tired. Lately I hate seeing night time come. I hate the thought of trying to fall asleep because I know either it's going to be a difficult time going to sleep or I'm going to wake up feeling stiff and once my feet touches the floor the pain is going to return. This really messes with my head sometimes. The Lord told us in his word he will not put more on us than we can bear. I've questioned that lately. Now don't freak out, I think it's ok to question what we don't understand. When you were a child didn't you ask your mom or dad if you wanted something explained that you didn't understand or if you felt you needed more information? That is how our relationship should be with our Heavenly Father. I think we get so wrapped up in our own pain and suffering that we fail to look beyond it. We fail to reach out toward the only one who can assist us and answer our questions. When we are suffering rather it be physically, mentaly, or emotionally we fail to take notice of God's presence in our lives. We fail to realize our Heavenly Father is only a prayer away and his arms are outstretched waiting for us to walk into them. At times I think we subconciously blame God for not making our lives perfect. You know what? God's son, Jesus Christ's life wasn't perfect either. He was perfect but his life here on earth wasn't. Do you think it was? He died on the cross for your sins and mine. He was spit upon, his beard was plucked out, his clothing was gambled away. How perfect is that? I woudln't want that type of perfection in my life. When I came to the realization that Jesus Christ went through all of that so I could become a Christian I felt so ashamed of my sins. And on top of it all, when I repented of my sins Jesus Christ had mercy on me. OMG, he had mercy on me. He still loved me!!! I may not have peace in my body but I have spiritual peace and that is most important. I know through the pain, through sleepless nights I can turn to my Heavenly Father and he will be there for me. I'm never alone. My relationship with God grows on a daily basis. I don't want to turn my back on him again. I did it once years ago and it was the lonliest dark feeling I've ever went through. When I'm in pain there may not be someone here to hold me and comfort me but I can fall into Jesus' arms and find a comfort man can never give me. The lord tells us in Hebrews 13:5 ...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. When you feel you can't take much more just remember someone else is suffering more than you are. Don't be selfish with your feelings, allow God to hold you and comfort you in a way no man can. God will bring peace into your life and you'll learn to turn to Him for your every need. I've drank my coffee for the day. I will make a pot for my evening rest, decaf of course. Have a blessed day and thanks for allowing me to share with you today.

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