Sunday, June 19, 2011

You're Asking Me? Are You Really Born Again

Isn’t it amazing how many claim to be “Born Again” yet they are nothing like Christ. They don’t appear to be following in his footsteps. Matter of fact they do more harm to the name of Jesus Christ than good.

To my understanding to be a Christian is to be Christ-like. To be Christ-like a person strives to please God not man. When I was born into the Lawson family I took on some of my dad’s attributes and some of my mother’s. Jesus Christ does not have any other "ways" but being upright and truthful. He helped the poor when no one else would, he healed the sick, he was not a respecter of persons. I wonder at times if anyone even take time out to think about how Jesus Christ would feel about the cruel and provoking remarks others are getting ready to say. How can a person be so cruel and consider themselves a Christian? Matthew 7:21—Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. I think this scripture sums it up really well, don’t you.

Jesus instructed an un-named gentleman in the Bible, when asked what he should do to inherit eternal life,in Mark 10:14—One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. Jesus wanted to know what was more important to this man, him or the world. That is what he is asking us today. Are you more interested in serving the world by what you say, how you act, or what you gather or are you going to follow me knowing I’ll supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19) and give you the words to speak (Luke 21:15) in the time that you need them.

Take time today to clear it up. Are you truly born-again (living a life for Jesus Christ) or are you living religiously (claiming to be something your not because the words you speak and the actions you take does not reflect Jesus Christ).


Being a good dad is not hard to do if you depend on the Father to direct your path. Believe me, after raising two children I’ve learned hind sight is 20/20. Hearing your children out and not being quick to judge or discipline is a number one strong point. Reasoning with your children accomplishes more peace and harmony in the home than raising cane. I know it’s hard to do but standing your ground is what your children really want you to do. There are too many children out there that tells their parents what to do and when. No way in my household!God made the parent first, then the children came along. My husband worked third shift for 28 years and I had to be the so called villain in the family. I could not expect him to come home and correct the children when he wasn’t even around to see what they were up to. I had to swallow my pride knowing they appeared to love their father more because mom was always correcting them but deep down I know my children love me and respect me. Their dad was there for backup and would have been there for more if not working a grave yard shift. Working graveyard takes a toll on a family where children are involved but I made sure they were aware their dad would do some correcting if need be. Was this a threat? Of course not, it was the hard truth. I believe in tough love.(I'll elaborate on tough love in an upcoming blog).

Fathers are special in their own right. They are and should be the strength of the family. There is nothing like a godly father who seeks our heavenly father’s face for guidance.


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