Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mother of Moses

Have you thought much about the mother of Moses. During her era, Jochebed was pregnant with a man child as described in the Bible. During this time all male children were being killed because the Hebrews were growing rapidly in number. Jochebed hid Moses after his birth for three months then made a cradle covered with bulrush, put Moses inside and had her daughter place the ark of bulrushes in the river with hopes God would spare his life. That is exactly what God did. She was the only mother mentioned protecting her child as long as she could. I'm sure all the other mothers were extremely grieved but Moses' mother held on as long as she could before totally surrendering to the arms of God.
That is what we need to do with our lives. We need to totally surrender to the arms of Jesus Christ and allow him to make the changes in our lives. It will always be for the better. We will be much better Christians if we'd only put our lives in the cradle of bulrushes and not hold back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your site. I did not know this or think much about Moses' mother. I can't wait to read more.

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