Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Love Me Anyway

Many young people doesn't know what direction their lives are taking these days. The drugs doesn't get it, copying images of models, weight lifters, super heroes, etc... doesn't get it. Why not be who you are? Why do you think being who you are doesn't get it? We will always be dissatisfied with ourselves. I think it's our nature. Choosing to live for Jesus Christ will get it. The Lord doesn't promise us roses without thorns or rain without lightning. He does promise us in his word, Hebrews 13:5 - I will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus Christ will go with you through the storms in your life. He may not stop the storms because he knows what you need to make you a stronger Christian but you must first accept him as your personal Saviour. Once you do this you will have someone to be with you in the darkest times of your life. You will have someone who will listen and you can trust to never repeat what you tell him. All our children want is to be loved anyway. When they go through what we think are crazy hair changes they are saying, "love me anyway." When the clothes look like they are expecting a sudden weight gain they are saying, "love me anyway". It is how we react to these changes in our children’s lives that may make the difference in how long they stay in one of these phases. I'm not saying give in, I'm saying take a step back before exploding. Keep the conversations going, pray ernestly that this too shall pass but "love them anyway".

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