Monday, December 26, 2011

2012 - A Time of Sharing or Not?

What are your plans for the New Year? Anything you can stay true to? Well that sounds like me. I make new resolutions each year only to fail at the majority of them. Of course my relationship with the Lord is my first priority. There is nothing to make a decision on there other than being a better servant for the Lord and finding out what he has for me to do for Him in the upcoming year. My life with the Lord is not up for questions when it comes to a new year. He's my Savior, my healer, my friend, my everything!!

Now weight loss seems to be the usual on the list of resolutions each new year. I've spoken with a lot of people over the years who desperately want to lose weight and many do only to gain back the same amount or more. I'm going to make another attempt at the HCG diet. I began it three weeks before Christmas and made an abrupt decision to stop until after the holidays. Holidays is never a good time to begin any change in your eating habits because many can't stick to it and I am most definitely one of them. If you think it's easy then you are among the very few and I'm jealous of you, lol. I will be the first to admit I love to eat. There are even times I absolutely adore what I eat. Food is not only a comfort food for me it is a joy. I know that probably isn't politically correct to say but hey I'm being as honest as I know how. The actual week I was on the HCG diet I lost 17 pounds. I lost 10 pounds the second day. I don't know what it was, fluid or fat, but it's gone. I lost 5 pounds the third day and 2 the fourth day. The fifth day I had to do some running around, paying bills and such and didn't have my HCG with me. Let me tell you if you have a very busy lifestyle keep your HCG with you. I began failing :(

What is HCG? I won't give full description here. You can look it up on the internet. In a nut shell HCG is a pregnancy hormone which combined with a daily 500 calorie diet can make a way for quick weight loss of abnormal fat (belly fat). There are loads of pros and cons concerning HCG. All I will say is I liked what I read about the pros and I know someone who has went on it, lost weight, and loves it. Unless you've been overweight you'll never understand how those of us feel who are desperate to get the weight off not only to look better but many of us are diabetics and this may be our way of being insulin free. I can't speak for anyone else but I hate taking insulin and I hate being sluggish and weak all the time. I know I'm getting older and my energy levels will slow down but I need some much needed energy I once possessed. Weight loss is my only way and I'm terrified of having gastric bypass. Please by all means research any diet you attempt to follow. I am not pushing the HCG diet nor making any health claims. I'm only sharing my experience thus far.

Now if you're wondering if I'm going to do a daily blog on here I'm just not sure at this point. Allowing all of you in my personal dieting may be just what I need to encourage me to stay on this diet. My question is, will you encourage me? I still need more time to think on this one but will publish sooner or later. One thing I enjoy about this diet is I can still have my coffee!!! That is such a plus for me. Do I hear an Amen from my coffee drinking friends and acquaintances???? If I do report on here about my last approach at weight loss I will also share what moods I'm in and what I'm going through at the time. I may turn into a coffee junkie. My son thinks I'm already there! Coffee is my "thing", flavored and non flavored.

So while I'm praying about rather to put my weight loss in the public eye or not you have a wonderful, safe Happy New Year and if you have nowhere to go or nothing to do come be with us at Gilliam Chapel Baptist Church, Clutts section, Cumberland, Kentucky on December 31 beginning at 10:00 p.m. for a "WATCH NIGHT" service. We'd love to have you with us! If you can't make it then please help me pray that I'm doing the right thing and ask God to lead me in the right direction to becoming insulin free.

Thanks for allowing me to share with you tonight as I sit here crashed on my couch after a weekend of much needed family time with my children and grandchildren. I'm at my happiest when my children are together in 'our' home. Lots of wonderful memories are shared. Even all the little dogs had an awesome time visiting together! God Bless!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Merry Christmas Jesus

Merry Christmas Jesus!! What a wonderful time of year to celebrate. Commercialism would like to draw you away from the true meaning of Christmas but we all know rather we are told it's a myth or the truth, we know the truth in our hearts. God Bless those born on Christmas. I'm sure the Lord doesn't mind sharing his day with you. Christmas is a time of celebration and thankfulness.

Last year I wrote about "Born to Die" because that is what Jesus' birth on earth was about. He came to die for our sins so that we could accept him as Lord and Savior. You may disagree and that's ok. Many will disagree with me. My prayer is that you come to know the truth. What a better gift for Christmas than to see the star leading the wise men to the place where Jesus lay. I've been told that on Christmas Eve, many animals bow on their "knees" in reverence to the birth of Christ. I don't know if this is true but I'd sure like to spend the night in a barn to witness such an event if there is truth to the story.

I'm not concerned with receiving gifts at Christmas. It so much more fun to give to the children. I feel gift giving is geared toward children and as adults we should focus on enjoying seeing a child's face at Christmas and watch their enthusiasm. Everyone can be a "Santa Claus" if you give from the heart. We know Santa isn't real in the sense that a man travels the earth over in one night delivering presents.I don't think we cheat Jesus by allowing our children to think there is a Santa Claus. Actually we honor the Lord by knowing he has placed a love in our hearts that has compassion on others and wants to give to others. We can teach our children that everyone is a Santa Claus by the wonderful love God has placed in our hearts. I am only speaking from personal experience and what has worked for me. I don't feel I lied to my children as they grew up. I once read a wonderful story, "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus". I explained that everyone who enjoys giving is a type of Santa Claus. Just as I taught at Easter that it's not about the egg but there are three parts to an egg just as there is three parts to the trinity of Christ. There is the white, the yellow and the shell of an egg yet it is one egg just like there is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit yet it is one Godhead. There is ways of teaching children without destroying some joyful time in their lives. You may disagree and that is ok. When my son was around five years old we were walking through a mall at Christmas. I saw him gazing at Santa with pictures being taken with children. He looked up at me and said, Mom, I know Santa isn't for real but can I go sit on his lap and have my picture taken with him? I said sure feeling content I had taught him well and he understood what I had been teaching him about Christmas. I don't feel I disregarded my Heavenly Father at all.

Many will mourn over the Christmas season because Of lost loved ones. I could do the same but have determined to focus on the joys of the season. My mother went home to be with Jesus on Christmas Eve 2007. I could get all depressed feeling cheated and question, My God, how could you take her on such a day. My mom absolutely loved the Christmas season. What a better time to go home and be with the Lord. My mother hadn't spoken for three days before her departure but around an hour before she flat lined she tilted her head to the left and said in a soft voice plain as day, "Lord, let's get out of here". I know what I heard and as much as I didn't want my mother to die I knew I was in the presence of the Lord. Angels didn't escort my mother home but Jesus Christ personally escorted my mother home to be with him for his birthday. What a time of rejoicing and grief mixed into one. The nurses tried to comfort me but I told the nurse that was in the room with me. I'll always miss my mother but I was just in the presence of God. Tears filled her eyes because she was a Christian and she understood what I was speaking about. My mother gave me the greatest gift of all by allowing me to be in my Heavenly Father's presence if for only a moment. For some reason last year was such a struggle for me at Christmas. It's not easy when we lose someone so close to us. This year I have focused on decorating inside my home like never before, not alot but more than I would normally do. I am celebrating Christmas in memory of my mother and dad who loved holidays. I've told my children everything I do this year is in memory of my parents. My dad loved poisettias so my tree is full of poinsettias. My mother loved anything to do with mangers, angels,even Santas and baked goods sitting around the house so I've done exactly that. The Lord doesn't want us to feel depressed or sad around his birthday. Let's enjoy, lets celebrate. Give a gift to someone you wouldn't normally give a gift too. I like giving gifts without the person knowing who it came from. It doesn't matter that they don't thank me. I know what I've done and the Lord knows what I've done. Giving without expecting anything in return is the one of the best gifts of all. The better gift is knowing someone has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

Thank you for allowing me to share with you today. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe, stay warm and drink plenty of tea, coffee, or whatever puts a smile on your face (non alcoholic of course). God Bless!!!!

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